Low Dose Naltrexone

>> 6/7/09

I was given a link to Low Dose Naltrexone to look up as a thyroid resource. The claim is that it can boost the immune system. Originally used in a higher dose to treat certain addictions, in lower doses, it is thought to improve symptoms in autoimmune disorders (MS, Lupus, Thyroid Disease, HIV/AIDS, Crohn's Disease and more) and even cancer!

Sound too good to be true? As a person struggling with thyroid disease and doctors who don't treat it right, I am certainly interested in finding out more about LDN. If you'd like to find out what it is, click here.

If you've used LDN for autoimmune disorders, I'd love to hear from you! Let me know if it helped, what symptoms you had, would you recommend it to others?


Thyroid Biopsy Results Here

>> 6/2/09

Yesterday, I finally received my thyroid biopsy results. The doctor has only had them since MAY 20TH. Nice of her to hang onto them so long while ignoring my phone calls and emails asking for the results.

Anyway, the results for cancer are negative so the cells they took from my thyroid were not cancerous. From what another doctor told me, biopsies aren't accurate because they only take a small amount of cells out of many, many cells so they could be missing it, but it is a relief anyway.


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