Was in the Hospital, Back Home Now

>> 5/31/10

It's been awhile since I've posted.  I got really sick, ended up in the hospital, and then still sick after being released.  It's been a bad few weeks for me.  I've not done much at all - very little housework, some reading, a lot of sleeping and either lazing about on our couch or on our outdoor furniture on our deck in the shade. If the illness wasn't making me feel bad, the medications were.

I'll get into the illness details a bit later (have dinner on the stove now and it's an involved story).  Just wanted to check in and say HI to everybody.  I'm not back up to 100% yet but I'll be back to blogging over the next few days regularly and, of course, mommy duties never stop. 

Talk to everybody soon.  I hope everybody is having a happy and healthy Memorial Day weekend!


Flu Hits

>> 5/16/10

I ended up with the flu last night with high temps and chills.  My fever is coming down now but I still feel like I've been run over by a truck.  I remember one time I had the flu, I lost five pounds.  Unfortunately, this wasn't that kind of flu.  I think it's going to take my thyroid doctor getting back on track or a little help with hydroxycut to rid myself of the excess fat.

My throat feels funny and it goes up into my ears.  My TMJ has been giving me major problems all week.  I'm not sure if it is the illness or the goiter changing, since it did seem bigger the other day. 

I'm supposed to make a two month check-up with my thyroid doctor for June.  After he's ignored my phone calls, I'm not sure I want to now.


Putting Off Vow Renewal

>> 5/14/10

I've given up any thought of renewing our wedding vows this year.  Between our finances and my health problems, it's just not happening this year.

I thought by now I'd be closer to my weight loss goal instead of further away and that I'd have my thyroid management better under control.  Since neither is happening at the moment, and it's not like I have the energy to do everything that needs to be done even if we did have the money, maybe next year. 

I want the dress and the vows and the party so it will have to wait until the time, energy and funds are there. Maybe next year during our 15th year or maybe we'll end up waiting now for our 20th anniversary.


Goiter Bigger Today

>> 5/13/10

I've been hypothyroid with Hashimoto's for almost nine years now.  All along, I've had the goiter that you could see if I stretched my neck.  As of this morning, I don't have to stretch my neck anymore.  It's plain for all to see.  It's gotten larger for the first time in all these years. 

This stinks.


Last Test Results from March 5, 2010

Here are all the results from the bloodwork.  I didn't have them all before when I posted.

  • Reverse T3:  53 (normal range 11-32)
  • T3:  210 (normal range 80-190)
  • Free T3: 6.15 (normal range 2.32-6.09)

  • Free T4: 1.89 (normal range 0.09-2.35)
  • TSH: 0.3 (This is within normal range, on the low end of normal which is where I want it.)
  • Saturated Iron: 24 (normal range 20-55)
  • Iron: 85 (normal 37-170)
  • Ferritin:  27.6 (normal range 6.2-137) *doc wants it at 100-130.
  • IBC (iron binding capacity): 353 (normal 260-400)
  • Vitamin D: 30 (normal range 25-80) *doc wants it 50-60.
  • Cortisol:  9.3 (normal range 3.1-22.4) *at the time this was taken, it should've been around 22.
  • Thyroperoxidase Ab:  227 (normal range <9) *indicated thyroiditis
  • Thyroglobulin Ab:  35 (normal range <4) *indicated autoimmune
So, I have a reverse T3 problem (among other things).  The Synthroid was stopped and compounded armour continued (though not at high enough dose yet).  The doctor thought that the Synthroid was causing the RT3 issues.  That was fine with me because I wanted the Synthroid stopped anyway. 

I was losing weight so I didn't need to look into weight loss products but now that I've crashed, the weight is coming back and I'm exhausted. I sleep hard at night and wake up exhausted. Big difference from my usually happy self in the morning.


Added Iron to Supplements for Ferritin Levels

>> 5/11/10

I added Bluebonnet iron to my supplements yesterday to help raise my dismally low ferritin levels up.  I was taking Feosol but they're too constipating.  Like I need one more discomfort on top of the hypothyroid symptoms!  I was told this Bluebonnet brand has less symptoms.  So far though, they've left me feeling a little nauseous and almost like a burning in my stomach.  Weird.  I guess that's better than the alternative with Feosol though.

My weight is still inching up.  I'm going to need the best fat burner soon. My doctor should have returned my darn phone calls about all my hypothyroid symptoms! I leave messages about how miserable I feel and the calls aren't returned? What's with that?


Arrogant Doctors?

Well, still no call back from my doctor on my hypo symptoms.  It's been a couple weeks now and I've left two messages for him in that time. 

I have not been feeling as well as I was a month ago, that's for sure.  The headaches have been awful.  They've come almost every day for a week now.  I'm not sure if I need new cheap prescription glasses or if the headaches are thyroid or adrenal related. I have on idea on that one. I just know they're driving me up the wall!

My next appointment with him is in June.  I can't believe he is ignoring my phone calls and would expect me to wait another month for the appointment when I feel like crud. 


Mad at Doctor Right Now

>> 5/3/10

I am mad right now.  I have been waiting for a phone call back from him since Wednesday (it's now Monday)!  I left two messages telling how awful I feel with my morning temperatures (which he wanted after I called him about my first crash a couple weeks ago). I crashed big-time about two weeks ago and then I seemed to start to stabilize late last week and then the last couple days - CRASH!  I'm falling asleep in the middle of the day, exhausted at bedtime, my temperature is below normal everyday and not stable at all, my hair is falling out again and I have a really HUGE case of CRS. 

...and the weight loss I was doing so well with?  GRRR!!!! I've gained four pounds for no reason! 

I am hoping this has been a fluke and he isn't flaking out on me.


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