Need to Lose Weight Again

>> 12/9/11

Well, the six months of my doctor lowering my dose (resulting in hypo symptoms) and then giving my correct dose back to me (the memory issues from his lowering my dose is affecting my memory to actually TAKE the corrected dose, ugh), has taken its toll.  I have about ten pounds I need to lose.  Again.

I am starting to feel a little better - more energy so that's a good sign.  I actually felt like cleaning my house yesterday.  My hair also isn't falling out like it was - another good sign.  Can't stand that "love handle" look though!!  My skin - eh.  Needs help too.

My sexy new brown heeled boots just arrived today.  I am going to have to get back on my 17 Day Diet (awesome diet if you didn't see my previous posts about it - not a diet, a healthy way of eating that just knocks the pounds off - see this post) so I can wear those heels the way they were meant to be worn!

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