
>> 11/7/13

I am at the doctor's for my asthma this morning and she feels my neck, notices how enlarged the thyroid area is and asks me if I see an endocrinologist. Pfft. Aw, heck no. I stay WAYYYYY the heck away from those.

I've found the best doctors for my thyroid have been regular family doctors who are willing to listen to me, willing to acknowledge my symptoms and treat according to symptom.

I'll likely never see another endocrinologist - EVER. Nothing but bad luck seeing them and YEARS of feeling terrible because they didn't treat my thyroid disease right.


Laramis November 8, 2013 at 5:26 PM  

I was just wondering if you take medicine for your thyroid or are you doing it the Andrea Beaman way?

Laramis November 8, 2013 at 5:29 PM  

Hello- I was wondering if you were taking medicine or doing it the Andrea Beaman way? Thank you.

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