Upcoming Endocrinologist Appointment

>> 7/13/09

I have an appointment on Tuesday with a new endocrinologist for my thyroid disease. I don't hold a lot of hope for this visit. In fact, I'm wondering if I should even bother.

I am just so tired of people in lab coats with degrees on their walls treating me like whatever I say doesn't matter. I know I need a doctor who will treat my symptoms and not just my lab results. I need a doctor who will look at my labs and realize that even if they are within the wide range of acceptable, that there is an optimized level within those numbers and that is what I want.

I spent a couple hours online today researching information so I can go into this appointment knowledgeable enough to request what I need. One web site was Stop the Thyroid Madness. This site also has a book that I requested my library find for me.


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