Ran Into Some Problems

>> 12/10/09

The ten pounds has stayed off so far. Unfortunately, I think I'm allergic to the one form of natural thyroid medication I'm taking (Thyroid-S). My head feels like hives and it's SO itchy! I've tried different shampoos and treatments but then recently realized that this is the same feeling I had when the doctor gave me a medication I was allergic to. I think it's probably a filler in the Thyroid-S that is causing the reaction.

I have an appointment for mid-January with a new doctor that came recommended to me. I didn't want to keep taking Thyroid-S for another month but I also don't want to go back to feeling horrible and gaining that weight back either. So I have reduced my Thyroid-S dose so I'm still getting more T3 and have gone back to Synthroid (ONLY temporarily) just until my new doctor can prescribe Naturethroid for me. I hear that's better for people who have allergies to some of the fillers in the other medications.

It's too bad if I'm allergic to Thryoid-S because I was feeling better and some weight dropped off. It could be an allergy or perhaps a hypothyroid symptom - meaning I need MORE Thyroid-S than I'm currently taking but if I'm allergic, I don't want to push it.

I've also bought natural progesterone cream, coconut oil, and magnesium oil. I've read some good things and wanted to try a few things out. I'm waiting for my books (Stop the Thyroid Madness and Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It) to show up on my doorstep. It's been Christmas here this week with all my stuff coming in!

I'll let you know what I think of the books after they get here and I read them. I can't wait until they get here.

I picked up some iodine tincture.  I want to try a skin test with it and see what that is about. There are several sites that talk about it but they say different things. Some sites say it can help tell if you are iodine deficient and other sites say it doesn't work for that. I'll give it a try and see what happens.

Edited to add 2/2/2010:  It wasn't a medication allergy. It was eczema:)


Cathy December 23, 2009 at 10:03 PM  

Came across your blog and could instantly relate to the "thyroid hell" in the title. My daughter has had a large nodule for years and we've tried nearly everything natural to heal it without success. Would be very interested to hear if you are having any luck with the iodine.

Syn December 27, 2009 at 4:48 PM  

Hi Cathy,

I am not taking the Iodoral as often, or as much, as I should yet so I'm not really sure if it's helping. Sometimes I feel my neck and it "seems" smaller but it could be wishful thinking on my part. Until I increase my dose off the minimum, I don't expect much. I'm taking it in baby steps, watching for reactions and such. The thyroid groups on yahoo are very helpful (and there is an iodine one too) if you don't know about them. The links are in the left margin.

I can say that there were a few times where everything seemed SO CLEAR and it's been years since I've had that clarity vs the brain fog. It didn't last but I'm hoping it'll stay longer next time, lol.

Unknown December 28, 2009 at 4:43 PM  

This is such an honest an informative blog about the struggles of dealing with thyroid disease. I added a Chronic Disease community on my website, shareWIK (share What I Know) and would love your input! www.shareWIK.com is an online community bringing together people of all areas of expertise so that they can share what they know. Keep up the great work, and we would love to hear from you!

Anonymous December 29, 2009 at 10:44 PM  

I just was diagnosed with hypo after years of bs but have to wait itl march to see a specialist (canadian healthcare) I had a thyroid ultrasound this afternoon, and the dr, has already called me in to see him tomorrow regarding results. Im scared, must be serious for them to be that quick :(

Syn December 30, 2009 at 9:40 AM  

My ultrasounds show multiple nodules and the goiter which is obvious just from looking at my neck. I've had them for over eight years now. Some doctors weren't worried about them and the last doctor (which I fired for various reasons) talked about taking out my thyroid before he'd even examined me. I am choosing to try natural thyroid meds and iodine to see if I can shrink them.

Good luck with your appointment. Whatever it is, choose to do your own research and talk to others in your shoes. I've found some doctors have tunnel-vision when it comes to thyroid issues with only one mindset (synthetic meds and cut the person).

Anonymous January 28, 2010 at 2:18 PM  

I love your blog! it's great!
I also got thyroid S, but came in weird bottle, not sealed, got it from 1drugstore.com, so i'm kinda scared taking it..
Where did you get yours from?
was it a bottle from the company?

Do you take the whole dose at once?
And how soon can i up the dose from 1 grain to 2?
Thanks A mil!!!

Syn January 28, 2010 at 2:35 PM  

I got mine from edrug one or something like that. Mine didn't even come in a bottle. It came in a sealed foil packet. I think you get the sealed bottle if you buy the largest dose, but I'm not sure about that. I was a little bit spooked about taking it at first but nobody else seemed to have problems with it on the thyroid forums so I started taking them. I slowly worked my dose up to two grains because I was coming from Synthroid to Thyroid-S and didn't want to shock my system with all that T3, lol. If you are coming from an Armour to Thyroid-S, I wouldn't think you'd have to wait as long as I did. I recently got a prescription for a compound natural thyroid from my new doctor so I'm not taking the thyroid from Thailand right now. As long as I can get it here in the U.S., I will buy it here unless what is here just isn't working. I'll have to wait and see about that.

Anonymous January 28, 2010 at 2:51 PM  

Wow thanks so much for the immediate reply!:))

I'm also going from synthroid..
How long did it take you to go up to 2 grains?
And did you take the 2 grains at once?

Thanks again so much!

Syn January 28, 2010 at 3:01 PM  

I took a few weeks to transition from my Synthroid over to Thyroid-S, reducing my Synthroid dosage a little bit each week. They split easy so it was easy to do.

No, I didn't take my Thyroid-S all at once. I took one in the morning when I first woke up and then the second at about 2:00 p.m. (depending on when I had lunch). I didn't want to take it right after eating because it affects the absorption.

My new doctor who prescribed the compounded thyroid for me also has me taking it in two doses. The reason for doing that from what I understand is that T3 isn't long-acting as the Synthroid was (I took one 112 mcg Synthroid pill a day) so it is better to take it a couple times during the day to keep a steady level in your body. When I go back to him for my 3 week check-up, he said we'll probably bump the dose up a bit, depending on how I am feeling. He said it takes about three weeks for the medication to level off at where it is going to be so that's why the three week mark.

Anonymous January 28, 2010 at 3:16 PM  

Wow thanks for the great answers!!
You're the best!

Syn January 28, 2010 at 3:18 PM  

You're welcome!

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