Medication Switching

>> 1/4/10

Well, over the past few weeks, I ran out of my natural thyroid medication (Thyroid-S).  I wasn't going to order more because there was a new doctor who prescribes Naturethroid that I wanted to see.  I don't want to get my medication from Thailand forever.  Turns out the waiting time was longer than I thought to see him so I ended up running out of Thyroid-S.  That was a bit of a stinker.

I weaned myself back onto Synthroid for the short time (about a week) it would take for new medication from Thailand to get here so I didn't go totally without medication (it makes me very sick by the third day or so).  Gained three pounds.  Nice eh?

I went with Thiroyd instead of Thyroid-S from Thailand (yes, I know it looks like I need spell-check but that is actually how it is spelled).  I am back to where the weight dropped before (whew!).  I'm plateauing though so I'm not sure if I should increase the dose just a little bit or just wait until I see the new doctor in three weeks. 

I've been taking everything very slowly (how much thyroid med, how much iodine) and I wonder if I am being too conservate.  I'm just not sure.


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