No Diet Yet

>> 9/10/11

A couple weeks ago I posted I was three days away from starting my diet.  I haven't started it yet.  I've been procrastinating:(

Part of it is my doctor reduced my T3 meds to see how I'd feel (even though I felt GREAT where I was) and it's brought back symptoms - including a couple pounds.  Kind of discouraging.  I'm calling my doc next week and telling him I'm going back to my old dose because getting thyroid disease symptoms back - no way, not going to accept that!

Part of it is school started (for my kids) and instead of having a lot of time to myself, I find myself running MORE with my kids out of the house and busier than ever with going back to work (work-at-home but still working).

The rest of it - let's face it, I love chocolate and certain foods that would not be acceptable on this healthier eating plan so I've been putting it off.


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