Get Recommendations for Biopsies

>> 2/10/12

I'm negotiating with the hospital who performed my botched thyroid biopsy a couple years ago - yup, still haven't paid off that bill!  That was awful - too much anesthetic in my neck AND he hit something he wasn't supposed to with the needle. I was in pain for weeks afterward through my neck and arm.  I walked out of their real dopey - totally unlike my first biopsy that went so smoothly and was relatively stress-free (as stress-free as you can be thinking about  needles going into your neck) where I walked out of there and drove myself home.  My husband had to drive me home after the botched one and take over total car of our four children for a couple days - that's how bad it was! I can give birth to a child and have less pain than what this hacked biopsy did to me!  Then the doctor said he missed something and wanted me to come back for another one.  Are you kidding me? Pfft!

Who the provider is doing the biopsy makes a HUGE difference.  My first biopsy was easy! Definitely get references (other than the one doctor referring you).


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