Gallbladder Update

>> 8/23/12

My husband told me it's been a long time since I've updated my blog.  I didn't realize he even remembered the name of any of my blogs.

So here's an update on the gallbladder issue:

I had a bad gallbladder attack and went to the ER for it in mid-June. They asked me why I still had it (gallbladder).  I told them because it's mine and I want to keep it.

(It was my fault I had it. I ate a Big Mac and french fries!  I know I'm not supposed to but I get lazy about watching what I eat and overindulged big-time! I only have them if I go overboard on eating nasty food.)

Of course, by the time I got to the ER, it was over.  They still wanted to put me on an IV and give me medication to stop another attack.  I told them I don't have second attacks following the first.  Oh yes, you will...that's how they happen.  Hello, I just told you that is not what happens to me!  I ticked off my ER doctor by refusing the medication. Sorry - I'm not going to fill a bed for you all night so we can look forward to a HUGE bill for something that isn't going to happen. 

I have not had a french fry or big mac since that attack in June and I've not had any problems. 

I did have an ultrasound done on my gallbladder with my regular doctor and it told me - - I had gallstones.  Duh! 

My gallstones are manageable by managing my diet.  I choose NOT to have them remove an organ unless it is absolutely necessary.  I am also reading a book to see if there is a natural way to remove those gallstones. The book is called The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanser

Unfortunately, that gallbladder ultrasound also told me I had a lesion on my liver. I have to get a MRI done now so they can tell me whether it is something I need to worry about or not. Is that tumor non-cancerous or cancerous?  Yeah me, right!?!  With all the chaos around getting four kids ready for a new school year, I forgot all about calling around and finding an open MRI unit (I am severely claustrophobic so the regular MRI units just will not work). I will work on that next week I guess.


Anonymous September 17, 2012 at 11:39 PM  

I had the same issue with my gallbladder and I didn't want anyone to take it from me.

After experiencing the severest pain I've ever had and trying for years to "manage" it with diet, there is no way the stones can be purged, so don't believe any of the health books or writers when they say it can, especially if you have stones already. They only become larger and the pain is so bad you want that damn thing out sooner or later.

I feel much better now and adjust my diet accordingly, something you'd have to do anyway if you didn't get it removed.

BTW they have very good laproscopic surgery techniques and surgeons now. My surgeon had terrible bedside manner but he was so smart and damn good at what he did and that is the kind of doctor you want doing your surgery.

So my advice is to get over "losing" your gallbladder and get on with life because the stones will only get bigger and the next attack will only be worse. My largest stone was a little smaller than a large marble and no diet will ever get rid of something like that.

Good luck.

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