Might Need Surgery

>> 4/4/12

Three weeks ago I developed an abscess in an area you don't want an abscess.  The doctor cut it in his office (oh joy!). I limited my activity the last three weeks (and hubby's "activity" with me - much to his annoyance...no shopping at a discount lingerie store for me). I had my three-week check up yesterday. Turns out the worst result happened that could have happened and now he wants to do actual surgery - one or two surgeries.

I want a second medical doctor opinion.  I also want to know what natural options are available for treatment.  Finding a doctor more inclined to treat naturally in Ohio - difficult!!! Ugh.


Unknown June 28, 2012 at 9:12 AM  


Love your blog! I wish you all the best if you need surgery!

Have you heard of the int'l thyroid patient petition for better care?: http://www.change.org/petitions/endocrinologists-patients-with-thyroid-dysfunction-demand-better-care?=1&fb_source=message

Only 8wks old, and has over 3000 signatures of support from 65 countries. Our goal is to every patient aware of this opportunity to self-advocate. We all know we need change and it will take large numbers to effect change.

We are also trying to unite all of the thyroid bloggers and websites and gain their support to help us strengthen our global network.

If you can help us reach your members by blogging about us, we will gladly list you as a supporter. https://www.facebook.com/notes/patients-with-thyroid-dysfunction-demand-better-care-petition/websitesblogs-supporting-our-ptd-petition/344493798956111 https://www.facebook.com/notes/patients-with-thyroid-dysfunction-demand-better-care-petition/noteworthy-individuals-supporting-our-ptd-petition/343704432368381

Here is an interview by Sarah Downing to help you get to know us better: http://sarahjdowning.com/2012/06/05/interview-with-the-initiators-of-the-petition-patients-with-thyroid-dysfunction-demand-better-care/

Thank you in advance for your support,


Michelle T. Bickford
Patients with Thyroid Dysfunction Demand Better Care

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