Weight & Thyroid & Cancer

>> 5/10/09

People have the misconception that people who are overweight can't or won't control their eating. They probably imagine overweight people pigging out with more than the "normal" amount of food (damn do I really hate that word "normal" right now). For some, that may be true. For others, like me, I don't eat a lot. It's medical and that makes it worse for me because I feel helpless in being able to do anything about it. Especially when my own doctor won't use up-to-date recommendations so my thyroid is being treated correctly. I hear that is a problem with a lot of thyroid patients. Why won't doctors, and the labs they use, start using the newest recommendations for TSH? People shouldn't have to go years feeling like hell. If I was pigging out and making myself fat, then it'd be my own darn fault. I just want to find a doctor who I can trust. I wish more naturopaths took insurance because I think I'd have better luck getting a doctor who cared.

I was finally referred to an Endocrinologist last week. Then my ultrasound results came back and those say that I have multiple nodules (which I knew) but now there is a solid nodule as well. That worries me. When they were cystic, I didn't worry that much. I don't know what "solid" means though. My doctor didn't call to explain any of it. I had to log onto their system and see the ultrasound results and that they were referring me to a Radiologist type specialist for biopsy (I thought that was what I was going to the Endocrinologist for). So, I have no idea what is what right now. My doctor should have called to explain the findings to me instead of leaving a scary message like that on the patient portal without explanation.


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