What I Have

>> 5/10/09

I have thyroid disease. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and hypothyroidism with goiter/nodules. I have several nodules on my thyroid that I had biopsied for cancer years ago. Because you can only get a small percentage of cells out of millions during a biopsy, even a biopsy isn't 100% accurate, which still leaves me to wonder. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder.

Despite blood tests showing me within normal range, I still suffer from brain fog. My memory, which used to be very sharp, is now like swiss cheese. I lose my train of thought often. I forget things very easily. My skin is terrible - very dry and prone to contact dermatitis. My hair, which was never smooth to begin with, is more coarse. At least it's not falling out anymore though (which is a symptom by the way). I used to be a skinny chick - - now I'm overweight and having a difficult time with how I look and feel about myself. My metabolism is next to nothing anymore. Exercising leaves me winded within the first couple of minutes. I am more irritable with less patience (I didn't have that much to begin with so that's bad). Even a "normal range" blood test does not mean all the symptoms go away.

If you are looking for a source of information, check out About. I am currently reading Thyroid Solution: A Mind-Body Program for Beating Depression & Regaining Your Emotional & Physical Health and have found a few good points that I will post about in another post soon.

A really good book that I've read is:


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