Bad Female Stuff & Thyroid

>> 11/18/09

The really bad premenstrual stuff was back again this month. The only time I experienced such bad cramps that it hurt to move was when my TSH was too high. I was thinking it was time to increase my thyroid medication dosage anyway so after being doubled over in pain, I've decided to definitely add a little bit more.

I need to find another doctor to manage my thyroid but I had such a hard time finding one nearby, I got frustrated. I am going to have to search farther out to find a doctor who will treat symptoms and not just lab results. Why is it so hard for a doctor to actually listen to patients? Doesn't how they feel matter anymore?

Perhaps I should contact a compounding pharmacy and see if they can tell me any doctors in the area who use them. That might help. My pharmacist has been more helpful than my family doctor has been! They all wear the lab coats but even with all those years of medical school, my family doctor was a huge disappointment.


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