Weight Loss Success!

>> 11/16/09

Woo hoo! I am officially on my second leg of the weight loss. I broke it up into three parts. The first part of the weight loss went pretty good with the change in medication, however, it got hung up on those last few tenths of a pound before it'd push me into the second part for the next ten pound weight loss. It was like that for most of last week and I was beginning to wonder if that was it. Nope. As of today, I am officially on part 2 and the next ten pounds.

I figure in another five pounds, I'll be able to put on my wedding ring again without feeling claustrophobic from it being too tight. I don't expect to ever wear a size four again. I've had four kids delivered the old-fashioned way - that just does something to the hips, ya know? However, I do expect to be back into a comfortable size eight or maybe even a size six. Then it'll be time to sexy mama up a little bit! It would be nice to feel good in nice clothes again.


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