Wasted 30's?

>> 2/14/10

I realized something yesterday as I was thinking about (hoping) that this new doctor was going to change things for me for the better where my thyroid was concerned.  I realized that if he does and I am finally feeling like myself again (without the hair loss, weight gain, brain fog, swiss cheese memory, moods/depression/low energy, dry skin, cold intolerance, etc.), that all of my 30's (I am 38 now) would have been spent unhappy about how I felt and how I looked.  All that crap affects my parenting so it wasn't just me who lost out, it was my kids and husband too.  They didn't get the whole person.  They got bits and pieces of me. It would be a shame that if there was a possibility that how I've felt (and advised doctors time and again to be ignored) can be improved by something as simple as natural thyroid medication and supplements (iodine, iron for low ferritin levels and different vitamins in my case), shame on all the doctors who left me to feel like crap all these years and shame on every doctor who doesn't do more for their patients than hand them a Synthroid prescription and tell them it is all in their head or their health problems are related to other conditions when it was all thyroid-related and thyroid-medication-related all along.

Managing the thyroid correctly has also helped many women struggling with infertility.  We had one more child after I was diagnosed hypothyroid and with Hashimoto's and it was very difficult to get pregnant.  When I think about the 18 months that we spent trying to conceive our youngest daughter (all the tears, frustration, almost having to get expensive fertility treatments) and how something as simple as the natural thyroid medication could have made all the difference.  It has helped so many women manage their thyroid better enabling them to conceive easily again.  Why won't more doctors educate themselves?  Are they so far up Big Pharma's backsides that they ignore the actual treatment of their patients?


Dear Thyroid March 17, 2010 at 9:56 AM  

I´m so with you on that.Isn´t it amazing what a difference just a little adjustment in your dosage does to you?
Sorry you feel like you wasted most of your 30´s just because you weren´t getting the right treatment.I can assure you though,that you are not the only one out there who feels that way.
I have days on which I feel like I´m just partly myself,or not myself at all.
Hope you are feeling better by today.Keep fighting and stay positive!

Alice C. April 13, 2010 at 11:30 AM  

I've been reading your blog this morning and I'm in tears because it sounds so much like my life over the last eight years. My thyroid first swelled way up in 2002. Two weeks ago when an ENT found a lump in my thryoid she asked me "when was your last ultrasound of your thyroid?" I told her I had never had one done. She was astounded. Why, in eight years of dealing with feeling like total crap most of the time, has no doctor ever ordered an ultrasound of my thryoid? I'm pretty fed up with my primary care doc, and the endo I tried for two years (2008-2009) basically just told me that I'm fat and lazy, and need to eat less and exercise more. Thanks. Now, as I'm waiting for biopsy results, your blog is inspiring me to 1) change doctors and find one who will REALLY listen and 2) read up on all of these issues a lot more. I've just been doing whatever the doctors say, and it ISN'T WORKING!

Syn April 19, 2010 at 1:26 PM  

Dear Thryoid...it is amazing what a dosage adjustment can do. I am now working on my dosage for my compounded Armour right now, having been of Synthroid completely for about two months. I'm sure my doctor and I will be tweaking the dosage around a bit until I feel better. He said he is dosing based on my symptoms which is a relief.

Syn April 19, 2010 at 1:30 PM  

Alice, my swelling was August 2001. We've been struggling with all this for about the same amount of time.

I have many nodules. I've been ultrasounded and biopsied...ugh. I also have goiter so my right side of my thyroid looks more like an Adam's Apple:(

I went to an endo last summer, who my family doc referred me to because I was not happy with her thyroid treatment, and this endo made me feel fat and lazy too! He told me that if I stopped drinking pop, I'd lose 25 pounds. I tried telling him I am eating right, not eating a lot, exercising and it wasn't like I sat on the couch choking down a bag of chips every day but he didn't believe me. He was so arrogant! That was my one and only appointment with him.

Like you, I just did whatever the doctors said as well for so many years. I'd ask them about other options but they'd dismiss them and I'd go along with it thinking they knew best. Obviously they didn't because they never made me feel any better. I have been really happy with my new doctor so far. This is the first time in more than eight years now that I feel hope that I will feel like myself again:)

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