Doc still wants to stick needles in my neck!

>> 8/12/09

I contacted my endocrinologist back about some of the lab results they'd sent me. My T3 was at the low end of normal and so was my cortisol. I asked that he prescribe me something with T3 in it (either Naturethroid or Cytomel) to bring my T3 level up (to still be within the "norm" range though) and for some adrenal support for my cortisol (again, still keeping the levels within "normal" but to raise it a little).

I got the response I expected...don't want to do that because it might have long-term consequences (why would it if I kept them within "normal" range?) and he wants me to schedule a biopsy (because the one in June wasn't bad enough). I'm so tired of this stuff. Like I want to have people in medical scrubs sticking needles in my neck again? Why do something so invasive AGAIN when there are other things that can be tried first (like Iodine) to shrink the nodules? Why choose to biopsy and remove the thyroid (which the endo is talking about doing) when there are other avenues less invasive that could be tried first? It might not work. I know that, but I want to try!


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