Reformulated Armour Causing Problems?

>> 7/6/10

I am up to three grains of Armour (doc switched me to regular Armour a month ago from the compounded), the highest dose of thyroid medication I've ever been on, and I am still having hypothyroid symptoms.  I am beginning to wonder if it has to do with the reformulation of Armour that is the problem.  They changed it from the old Armour.  I know when I was taking a compounded Armour, I didn't experience some of the more uncomfortable hypothyroid symptoms as I am now.  I've read that some people are crushing them instead of swallowing them whole and seeing good results doing that.  I might have to do that.

I've noticed my hair falling out the last few days, exhaustion, and digestive upset.  The weight isn't coming off as fast as I thought it would so I guess I'll be going to my family reunion overweight this year...stinks.

I have a lot of work to do writing and I have to research what a vga cable is (I am technology-challenged when it comes to cables for anything - computers, televisions, stereos, etc.). I need to kick my tired booty in gear and get my work done that is due today.  As I type this, I am yawning at 9:46 a.m.  That's bad.


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