Burn Remedy

>> 8/27/13

What is the best natural remedy you know of for burns?  I am making hair accessories for my kids and the hot glue gun keeps burning my fingers! It's a Wal-Mart hot glue gun for goodness sake, not an adhesive and high temperature glue here. Just a little pink glue gun for me.  After half dozen flowers glued, my fingers have had enough. That stuff sticks to everything!

I have an aloe plant (but that stuff kinda stinks).  I can use it though.  I have used vinegar for sunburn but not sure it'd work in the same way for this kind of burn.  I have some type of silver cream from the hospital from when my daughter grabbed a few hundred degrees of curling iron from the wrong end and burned her palm, but I'd rather not use that unless it's a major burn.  It's good stuff.

I'm looking for a mild, natural burn remedy.


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