Total Switch To Naturethroid

>> 8/17/13

I tried to switch solely to Naturethroid (stopping the T3 pill) and it isn't working out too well.  My period started a week after my last period! I thought, eh, it's just spotting.  Nope, full on menstruation.  I had some of the premenstrual signs ALL.  THE.  TIME.  (to the point hugs hurt my chest!!).


I LOVE Naturethroid instead of the Synthroid, but right now, I must not be converting T4 to T3 still (my reverse T3 problem).

I will not go back to Synthroid.  I am going to keep with the Naturethroid.  I need to figure out why I'm not converting still.  I'm missing something.  Either I figure it out or I take Naturethroid daily plus a T3 pill.


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