Cannabis Oil

>> 8/27/13

Yes, it's legal in some states for the medical grade stuff but you can buy it at Amazon (probably more of a food grade hemp oil).

Have you read of all the health improvements being claimed with cannabis oil?  I have recently been reading about it and want to learn more.  Anybody use this and does it help?

I've heard many things - cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, general health.

If the skin cancer claims and cannabis are true, wow is our government and Big Pharma holding out on us, at the expense of our health and lives.


Anonymous December 7, 2013 at 9:20 PM  

I just wanted to say that no, that is NOT the same in any way. The stuff curing diseases has high levels of THC. Hemp as sold has virtually no THC levels if any. I was just researching if anyone had any results helping thyroid disease and cancer with the real stuff, and wanted to correct what I saw as unintentional misinformation.
Good luck.

Syn December 8, 2013 at 9:47 AM  

Yes, that's what I grade, not the stuff most states consider illegal.

Syn December 8, 2013 at 9:48 AM  

Do you know if this food grade oil would trigger drug tests? I bought it to use in cooking but haven't yet. My kids get drug tested for sports at their school. I would not want a positive drug test for something they aren't doing.

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