Do men get thyroid disease?

>> 9/22/10

Does thyroid disease affect men a lot?  I don't think I know of one man personally who has thyroid disease.  I know A LOT of women who do.  What does that tell you about the disease?  Either our female hormones play a big role, our reproductive history/health plays a big role, or men are just treated better medically  in some cases so you never hear about it?  Which is it? 

I know - we get thyroid disease because of the STRESS men put us under!!  Ha ha.  Just kidding!!!  I'm not a man hater.  Love men!  Even if they can be a bit insecure and always wondering about and looking for the latest information like   I never worry about the size of my chest (of course, maybe if I had less, I would?)!  Why do men worry so much?


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