Added Iron to Supplements for Ferritin Levels

>> 5/11/10

I added Bluebonnet iron to my supplements yesterday to help raise my dismally low ferritin levels up.  I was taking Feosol but they're too constipating.  Like I need one more discomfort on top of the hypothyroid symptoms!  I was told this Bluebonnet brand has less symptoms.  So far though, they've left me feeling a little nauseous and almost like a burning in my stomach.  Weird.  I guess that's better than the alternative with Feosol though.

My weight is still inching up.  I'm going to need the best fat burner soon. My doctor should have returned my darn phone calls about all my hypothyroid symptoms! I leave messages about how miserable I feel and the calls aren't returned? What's with that?


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