Last Test Results from March 5, 2010

>> 5/13/10

Here are all the results from the bloodwork.  I didn't have them all before when I posted.

  • Reverse T3:  53 (normal range 11-32)
  • T3:  210 (normal range 80-190)
  • Free T3: 6.15 (normal range 2.32-6.09)

  • Free T4: 1.89 (normal range 0.09-2.35)
  • TSH: 0.3 (This is within normal range, on the low end of normal which is where I want it.)
  • Saturated Iron: 24 (normal range 20-55)
  • Iron: 85 (normal 37-170)
  • Ferritin:  27.6 (normal range 6.2-137) *doc wants it at 100-130.
  • IBC (iron binding capacity): 353 (normal 260-400)
  • Vitamin D: 30 (normal range 25-80) *doc wants it 50-60.
  • Cortisol:  9.3 (normal range 3.1-22.4) *at the time this was taken, it should've been around 22.
  • Thyroperoxidase Ab:  227 (normal range <9) *indicated thyroiditis
  • Thyroglobulin Ab:  35 (normal range <4) *indicated autoimmune
So, I have a reverse T3 problem (among other things).  The Synthroid was stopped and compounded armour continued (though not at high enough dose yet).  The doctor thought that the Synthroid was causing the RT3 issues.  That was fine with me because I wanted the Synthroid stopped anyway. 

I was losing weight so I didn't need to look into weight loss products but now that I've crashed, the weight is coming back and I'm exhausted. I sleep hard at night and wake up exhausted. Big difference from my usually happy self in the morning.


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