My Health Update

>> 10/4/09

I've been slowly changing over from my synthetic thyroid medication to a natural dessicated thyroid medication over the last couple of weeks. I'm doing fine on the transition - no hyper symptoms like increased heart rate. No panicky feeling at all.

I've finally lost a few pounds so I think the T3 in the natural medication is better for me personally! I lost five pounds when I did this before (but my medical doctor freaked out over it - natural medication - so I stopped until I found the information I needed to manage my thyroid better myself).

I was taking iodine and am using Celtic salt during that time as well but I haven't been consistent with that yet. I guess it's a routine I have to create and get used to and I forget about the iodine more often than not (thyroid brain fog doesn't help me remember;). Once I get onto the Iodine routine, I'm hoping the goiter and nodules will shrink.

Hopefully the weight loss continues!


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