Thyroid-S Working, Weight & Mood Changes

>> 10/11/09

Since switching to Thyroid-S (natural dessicated thyroid medication containing both T3 and T4) a couple weeks ago, from Synthroid (synthetic T4), I've lost seven pounds. My moods are better too. I'm all goofy and happy-weird again! I'm coming back!!

My temp last week was 97.1 (which is what it's been around for many years now and doctors just shrugged off as "normal" since getting thyroid disease). Yesterday, it was at 98, but I also wasn't feeling well so I don't know if that was a very low grade fever for me or if my temps are coming up now that medication levels are starting to stabilize. Time will tell! I need to get in the habit of monitoring my temperature daily since low temps is an indicator for me on thyroid levels and adjustments needed.


Anonymous September 8, 2013 at 8:39 PM  

Did the weight loss continue? I lost 7 pounds when I switched from a T4 only medication to NP Thyroid. I guess the T4 makes us retain water. I never lost any more weight and I need to.

Syn October 29, 2013 at 11:03 AM  

I didn't stay on it. I ended up switching back to synthetic with a doc who wouldn't go for the natural. I'm on Nature-throid now and I am doing ok. I don't feel 100%, or 75%, yet. I still feel foggy. It would help if I'd not forget that second dose. It's the multi-dosing that gets me. My weight is not bad, could lose a few pounds but it's better than having to lose 30 pounds. I seemed ot plateau, weight-wise, and then stop. If I want to go further, I'm going to have to get back on the 17 Day Diet I was on that melted the weight off. I love carbs so that's a hard one.

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