Would Maca Root Help Thyroid?

>> 10/22/09

I was researching natural ways to balance hormones in the body and came across a plant called Maca Root. It's been used for centuries by the people of the Andean Mountain region. It is considered as safe as any vegetable. There is some suggestion of goiter if you eat too much and have a low iodine diet according to Wiki. Seeing as how I have thyroid disease and a goiter on my thyroid, this is interesting to me. It does contain a good amount of natural iodine, which I am very interested in. Since I am researching the use of Iodine in the treatment of thyroid health, goiter, and nodules, this is very interesting.

This is definitely something I want to make note of and study more. I doubt I'll buy grow lights and grow them myself because I doubt I could reproduce the environment of the Andean Mountains for good growth, but this is something I've not heard of before and worth a closer look for thyroid health. Growing other organic vegetables to eliminate chemicals would be a definite plus for my health.

There are some other reported benefits, outside the thyroid, to its use as well if you're interested.


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