Doctor Increases Armour from 2 to 3 Grains

>> 6/18/10

My doctor appointment for my thyroid last Friday (6/11/10) went well.  I was on two grains of compounded armour up to this appointment.  My doctor, after hearing about all my hypothyroid symptoms I was having, raised me to three grains and switched me from compounded armour to regular armour.  He says it is in stock now and available so there is no point in my spending more every month on compounded.  Hopefully, the regular armour will be good and I won't see problems some people have had with it. 

In 4-6 weeks, I have to get blood tests for TSH, Total T3, and Reverse T3 to see how I am doing on three grains of Armour. 

If I am not feeling better in 4-6 weeks, the doctor mentioned testing for metals in my system. 

I have noticed over this past week that the scale is coming down a couple tenths each day in weight.  Time will tell if it will continue.


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