Feeling Awful

>> 6/14/10

I feel truly horrible.  Besides the normal thyroid symptoms, I feel really "off", my throat and lungs feel like crud, my digestive system is screaming bloody murder and has been for a couple weeks.  I think the digestive upset is from all the antibiotics I was on for a month for my pelvic inflammatory disease. 

I bought probiotics yesterday and started taking them, hoping that this will alleviate these awful symptoms.  I don't want to move too far away from the bathroom because I just feel so nauseous and crampy.  I hope it's the antibiotics and that there isn't something else going on with me.  I don't need anything else health-wise at the moment.  I have enough on my plate.  Anything else goes wrong I'm going to need to look into disability insurance; this stuff is really interfering in my life. I really can't handle anything else on my plate right now.

I did have my check-up with my doctor on Friday for my PID and my thyroid.  I'll update on the thyroid stuff a little bit later. 


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